* Rappy’s & Junior’s Restaurant.
A recent e-mail received by Jeff Eats…
Long time reader and long time Boca Raton resident.
Just curious as to why you haven’t yet reviewed either Rappy’s or Junior’s Restaurant both New York Kosher Style Delis which recently opened in Boca Raton?
Both joints seem absolutely perfect for Jeff Eats’ thoughts.
Thanks for the great blog site,
Both Rappy’s and Junior’s are on Jeff Eats’ radar- eventually I’ll get to them!
To be perfectly honest with you, both Rappy’s and Junior’s had “friends & family” and other pre-opening “tasting” events- none of which Jeff Eats was invited to attend!
Trust me when I tell you, I really don’t need Rappy’s or for that matter Junior’s free-offerings to “eat”- that said, I do consider it a bit of an insult- to Jeff Eats (and all of you-readers) for us not to have had the opportunity to “get” the story at first-light! By the way, Jeff Eats has “looked” at both restaurants and I gotta tell you, I was very impressed with Rappy’s build-out an absolutely gorgeous store…as for Junior’s, sorry to say it looked like your “run of the mill” Florida bagel joint!
Like I said 2-seconds ago, Jeff Eats will eventually get to both Rappy’s and Junior’s- and good or bad “tell” Jeff Eats’ readers the real Skinny!
Thanks for reading…